Woke up at 7.30 am in the morning, and feeling hungry because I didn't have a dinner at all last night LMAO =,=" Then took a shower, sprayed up some deodorants, put on some clothes & perfumes and strike my doorknob, getting ready to picked Aliph up for some breakfast. Then saw my dad outside, gardening, ahaha rajin bapak aku kan *mcm anak dia* KAHKAHKAH =,="
Abah : Nak keluaq ka?
Ieka : Ha'ah, nak pegi breakfast dgn alip, pastu nak jalan-jalan practise driving skill *wahaha*
Abah : Ohh haa okay. Jgn pi jauh-jauh
Ieka : Oraittt. Abah, nak tige puluh hinggit, takde duit nak keluar HEEE, boleh?
Abah : Ambik dalam beg duit abah kat dalam atas lemari (almari) tu.
Ieka : Heee okay. Abah tak kuar plak hari ni?
Abah : Satgi kluaq sat pi main golf kat Batu Pahat, pastu Abah pi Johor sat petang kang main golf ngn member, Sabtu abah balik
Ieka : Ohh okay =,=" *dlm hati ; sikit-sikit golf*
Abah : Haa ni nak kluaq bila ni?
Ieka : Nak kluar dah ahh ni, nanti bgtahu mama ieka kluar jap.
Abah : Haa okay, bawak leklok, jgn pi langgaq tembok plak lagi satgi
Ieka : =,=""""""""""""""""'
So yeah, I went out to Aliph's. As I reached there, I called him up. Few minutes later he jumped off into my car, with the baru-bangun-lahhh look. Ahahaha tergelak aku dgn budak ni.
Aliph : Ieka, I baru bangun kott.
Ieka : haha lahhh kata pukul 9 =,="
Aliph : Yehh I igt I taknak tido tadi, but I fell asleep tadi pukul 8, baru je tido haha.
Ieka : Weyyy! Apa kau buat sampai pukul 8!
Aliph : Haha. Eyh, why don't you park there (pointing at the space around his house) masuk dulu while I mandi jap.
Ieka : Okeh, but can I park here (tepi jalan) je?
Aliph : Yehh, boleh. Mesti failed parking hari tu.
Ieka : HAHA agak ahh =,="
I sat around in his house while waiting for him to get ready. 15 minutes later, I drove to KFC to get some breakfast, fuuhh lapar kott. So yehh, we talked a lot, about loads of stuffs. We just like talked and talked and talked, every words that came out from our mouth just came from the inside. Relationship, friendship, high school dramas, bffs, everything just flow from our mouth with a deep conversation. As the conversation ran down deeper, so does the wheel. Haha it was my first time bawak jauh-jauh *takde lah jauh sgt pun* Luckily my moving-map (aliph) ada kat sebelah haha, kalau tak mesti tak tahu jalan =,=" Ada jugak salah jalan few times adoi *salah aliph okay, dia kasi instruction tak clear, salah aliph, salah aliph* wahahaha kidding kidding :P So yeh, we drove around in the heavy rain and my car wiper was being sucks pffhhtt. Then I let Aliph drive around at the stadium *BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM* ngehehehe sorryyyy Alipphhhhh :P He drove around, and we took few pictures and couple of videos too. But Aliph didn't want to upload it, because he thinks he look like a lewd. *Takde pun lewd nye, you look just fine lah aliph* ahah :D So yeah, we had much fun, driving around in a heavy rain, having a deep conversation, yehh it was fun. We should do that more often kan Aliph :D Anyway, THANKS to Aliph for accompany me through out the morning. Looking foward to lepak again with you next time :))
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