Ahh, first of all, I'm thanking each and everyone of you who had wished me on my birthday on the last APRIL 15th, I really appreciated it :D What else could possibly that I want. I had the greatest parents ever, the most awesome friends who always had my back whenever I need them, the coolest siblings that understands me the most and I've found the most lovable person in my life. I couldn't ask for more, *ayat intro memang macam ni* but if nak kasi boleh la jugak, *okay, wishlist dah masuk* perfume Burberry okay lah kan tak pun Terry Mugler Alien ke, DKNY Be Delicious ke HAHAHA :P So okay, last couple of days were a blast! My friends had made a warm birthday celeberation at PizzaHut on that day. Auwhh, I was really touched :) Thanks to Aliph, Acaf, Omar, Syakirah syg, Ammar, and Hakim. Sayang korang, kiss sket *mwah mwah* =) Tapi tak semeriah birthday bash macam last year sebab Rosdi, Jaja, Maryam and Nabil takde disebabkan pegi PLKN fu****** tuh, Ayam pulak pegi interview Universiti Pertahanan ape kebende tah =( Rindu korang gila babeng doh, sumpahh =/ Although diorg kat sana, diorg still ingat birthday aku and tetap wish birhday, tu yang buat aku sayang korang extra extra extra :D Lepas tu, the next day on the 16th, Linda, Milah and Najwa came to my house and gave me a surprised birthday party, so basically, I've got 2 birthday bash this year *yippiiieeeeeeey* ahah ;) Thanks to Linda sebab bawak 1 barrel of KFC and thanks to Milah sebab buat cupcakes yg comel lote untuk aku, sayang korang jugakk, kiss lagi meh *mwuah mwuah* haha. A big thank you again for those who had wished and made a bash for me.
Aliph with his emo-kinda haircut :P

The birthday cake, dah 18, dah tuaa =,="
Haaa tiup lilin, tiup, tiup puuhh haha

Gambar kecik sebab Omar kena crop, dia nampak sekerat je :P

Syakirah yang candid

Thanks for the cute cupcakes Milah :D
Acaf, spike dia tinggi sangat nampak half je :P P/s : MIMF, if you're reading this, you're the first person yang wished I hari tu, I thought it was my dad, but salah hee. ILYSM <3
awww.. again.. happy belated birtdayyy!!! xDD