I don't usually do this when I'm bored *this as in updating my blog* haha but entah, rasa macam bosan terlampau tahap dewa =,=" So okay, I still confused wether I should accept the matriculation offer *kalau dapat Matrik Penang memang aku pegi dah, this is dapat kat Perlis, and macam hhmm haiihhh* so sekarang offer yang dah dapat is UNITEN, LIMKOKWING, and still waiting for MMU punya feedback (I bet semua orang pun dapat kan kalau private U) =,=" But I'm not that interested in the course that UNITEN had offered me which is Foundation in IT, obviously tak minat -_-"" LIMKOKWING pulak offer Foundation in Interior Architecture which is aku minat tapi macam LIMKOKWING kannnn like pppffhhttt, and MMU which aku tengah tunggu sekarang ni, obviously aku tak buat IT kat MMU, I applied for Foundation in Biological Science and Foundation in Engineering. And also tunggu UPU result. Abah pulak tak habis-habis suruh aku buat matrikulasi. Memang lah macam boleh kan, tapi errr.. duhh =,="So anyway, enough blabbering about this. Aku rindu kawan-kawan aku yang kat PLKN. Weekend ni nak pegi tengok Maryam kat Kem Timah Tasoh dengan Syakirah, yeayy :D Nak pegi tengok Jaja tapi tak berani nak drive sorang or dgn kawan, jalan dia horror =,=" Ohh and esok birthday MIMF :D Happy Upcoming Birthday, hadiah hutang dulu lah eh *kahkahkah*
ieka ieka.
jmpe nnty ahad neh.
amek kat umah aku tau. haha :P
jgn lupa msk hape ntah kata ritu
ehh bukan ang ke yang ambik aku kat rumah? :P ohh haa, molten choc cake! ehh tapi tapi tapi, mcm malas je =/ ahahaha :P