I don't know why suddenly I feel there's a bit space in my heart is yelling out saying I MISS HIGH SCHOOL TIME. Yehh I know, it's a bit pofoyofo kan, orang punya lah nak habis sekolah, apa kes rindu-rindu sekolah pulak kan? Well, maybe it's because of my whole senior year tak LAME macam kau orang semua lah kot. I love my senior year, it has been the most amazing year in my whole high school period. Tapi memang betul lah ramai orang cakap high school memories will grow old with you & high school friends are true friends indeed. Maybe disebabkan senior year aku was full of perbuatan-perbuatan yang sangat "membanggakan" so mungkin it was unforgettable lah kot HAHA. And I am really thankful because I was gifted with the most amazing friends that I can rely and count on.
I miss to go to school trip with my friends as the excuse to skipped class, I miss to walk to the library everyday after school and get in late to my extra class.
I miss to cam-whoring at the Biology lab when Mr. Chew was not around, I miss to skiped Mr. Chew's extra class every Wednesday evening.
I miss to mess around with my PE teacher every week with not wearing PE's attire, I miss snapping pictures around at the school field when the teacher was not around.
I miss to skipped my Agama class and sitting around at the old block alley while listening to songs at my phone, I miss when Syakirah get busted with Ustaz because of her long nails and her coloured socks.
I miss my red classroom and the smell of dead fox on the roof which always had made us hated to went inside the class, I miss to gossip with Nabil about the hot topics that happened arond school. *and as one of excuses to skipped class*
I miss to read magazine about celebrities and gossiping with other class buddies which supposedly I was going to do some revision when my teacher was not around. I miss when Aliph get into our class to skipped away from his class.
I miss those who always wanted to make me smile and trying to make me feel better whenever I had self-issues. I miss to messing around with Hakim and Jaja while calling them "Amoi ah Apek ah Gong Xi Fat Chai" because they look like Chinese.
I miss to stayed up until 5 am in the morning with my girls to made a scrapbook as a birthday gift to one of the bestfriends in KamiKawanBaik
I miss to planned out and made a surprised birthday party at the back of the school block for my bestfriends
I miss to eat Maryam's scrumptios cookings as she always brought them to school. I miss talking to Rosdi about his self-issues and his silly talks when came into my class during the free period
I miss listening to the guys problem's related to relationship and gossiping with them about all the dramas in high school. I miss to fight with Ayam as he always like to teased me and Jaja and will ended up with sulking LOL.
I miss the study group that we always had in the weekend which usually will turned out into a big laugh-gags meet up.
I miss the looks of our faces expression when we were studying Addmaths, I miss the tons of Addmaths exercises that had always been lined up at my study desk.
I miss to be focused after had been blabbered by my friends. I miss Syakirah's nags when we were goofing around while studying.

And only if I could turn back time, I would get to know them and hanging around them a little bit more earlier so that I will never miss them so badly like this :(
miss it too T_T
ReplyDeleteOMG. cam nk ngis jer.. i miss my highschool life tooo!!
ReplyDeleteyes, tu lahh =( high school wasn't that bad actually, arrghh i miss my buddies :(
ReplyDeletewaaa..touching siot...aser cam nak masuk balik skewl n sekelas ngan korang..huuu
ReplyDeleteHey,... dont be sad. At least u have the moments to take pictures for all that
ReplyDeleteShud be glad that at least u got the chance to do all that even just for a minute :)
hakim : tu lah, i wish we were in the same class, anyway, congrats dapat buat TESL kat UITM eh hakim :) nanti cuti-cuti boleh lepak ramai-ramai lagi mcm selalu :D
ReplyDeleteAiman : i am glad and thankful because i had get the chance to know them, and i am missing them, always will :)