will no longer in used, I'm up for P yaw! HAHA *motive : saje tayang license sebenarnye walaupun L je lah kan hahaha, menggelabahh =,=" So yeah, hopefully I can get it done fast and without FAILING haha *crossing fingers :)
As I doing nothing currently, so had been browsing over youtube, and listening to this random Filipino guy singing with his guitar. Gabe Bondoc is one of my shit-you're-so-damn-cute internet celebrity besides Alex Evans ahahaha! *Auuwwwhhh* And how I wish I could play guitar as good as he does =,=" Been listening and watching to all the covers of his, and this is my all-time-favourite :
He's good isn't he xDD I can fall asleep listening to his singing ;))
good luck syng ;]
ReplyDeleteverification i dpt td pubiclife
wut the hell?
Ahah thank you thank you yaww bebeh :D HAHA hidupkemaluan! diorg kasi verification tu sempena dengan mood you tu now kan, kata legally boleh tgk porn HAHA :P