Yeahh yeahh whatever, I know it's lame =,=" Okay, so I had failed the JPJ test for the first time *relax ahh baru first time kan haha* Hangswa tester tu! Like, okay, first, there was a van behind me when I was giving the signal to the right but obviously the van was still FAR behind me like 400++ metres away, and he marked me for that. Then second thing, I was in gear 3 when I did a turn at the edge, but thing is the edge tu BROAD lah ngek =,=" And there was no car pun, menggelabah lebih. But it's okay, takpe lah, aku menerima je ke-failed-an aku haha -_-" As abah said to me last night "Takpe lah, buat dulu test JPJ, kalau tak past ambik lagi nanti" hahaha, so okay lah, as long as abah paid for it lah kan HAHA. So dengan muka tak malu nye, this is my result for today's test :
Kesian kan, dapat 5 je, cehbai =,=" ahaha

I know, TERUK =(
Okay, so the conclusion is, it's normal to failed on the first time because most of my friends experienced the same thing, so nothing to brag about lah kan HAHAHA xDD Ohh and I did failed during kat bukit tu, but that was my fault so yehh *being quite and no more bragging* kahkahkah xDD
trok la jugak ieka.
tape, biase ahh.
i noe u nervous tuh kan.
so tape, nnty jgn takot2 agi oke syg?