So everybody is home for this mid-sem break except Sya =.=" As usual, went lepak-ing and goofing around and eating and laughing and crapping and getting high like what we always did. Except that we haven't go for shisha this time, haihh *sangap* LOL. Spent this entire week with best friends which had made me excessively addicted on going out till late at night. So yeah, my mom had started to nagged about it. Got back home at 12.30 am for the past 3 days straight. Can't help it, we just love the wheels and the seashore even it's only Kuala Perlis lah kan, obviously -_-" Also went for makan-makan at Maicafe, ahh favourite spot ;) but too bad the shisha booth is no longer there :(
Midnight goof-around with the best people in the world <3

This is Aliph, and he tried to provoked me with Cigs kah-kah, kidding people.

Rosdi's plastic smile that annoys me throughout the day =,="

Candid, and it was at 12.15 am :)

Maicafe! Favourite spot, and the geeky people ha-ha

Ohh, meet my girlfriend, yes I'm lesbo ha-ha, okay not funny =,=" Jaja totally gonna kill me for this kah-kah

P/s : Aliph I've promoted your blog, I'm expecting a plate of Fish&Chips and a glass of Carrot Juice at Maicafe for the next semester break ha-ha, kidding as always :P
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