Okay, so I'm home for only few hours this weekend since the very good performance on the JPP voting session this morning, whatever. But yeh, still glad to be home and and since Kak Ikin is home for the weekend, decided to drag her to buy some stuffs while enhancing my driving skill which had been decreased over this few weeks =,=" So another part, as usual, assignments are not finished yet. And worst, tomorrow will be having replacement for Maths lecture at 8.00 pm ppffhhtt, definitely be sleeping =,=" Ohh I guess I must not since my Maths quiz wasn't that good ha-ha. Right, let's jump to the best part, I finally managed to washed my clothes this morning all by myself ha-ha. Thumbs up! And not so thumbs-up part is the assignments which I still haven't managed to finished it yet =/ It's already 6.00 pm, and I'll have to be back before 7.00 pm. Better get my ass into the shower and get myself done. *Long sigh =,="* Ohh and before that, as usual, pictures :)
I'm sweating like hell ha-ha

Ahh, the messy study desk isn't that messy anymore :)
Bicycle riding session

The lecture hall that annoys me almost every day when it's pack