Since I didn't get accepted for the UPU's, so I've decided that I'd go for Matriks instead. No need to waste time and abah's money over the IPTS's since dah dapat peluang pergi Matriks ni. But still, not sure whether I've made the right decision or not. Entah lah, aku pun tak tahu, but like Abah said ; "Just give it a try dulu, mana tahu rezeki kat Matriks ke kan, we'll never know". So since aku memang anak yang baik *spreading angel wings* LMAO, so I've made up my mind to listen to Abah's word for good. Well, been extremely busy over these few days with the going-to-matriks preparation *blergghhhh* =,=" And and the best part is, I've spent over RM 800 for these preparation-sort-of and still been thinking about going to MMU instead LOL *kill me* -_-

Just done on the phone with MIMF, had a fight over prank phone calls from whosoever trash bitch from hell who made up stories about me having a so-called scandal and I were holding hands with this random guy =,=" Babi betul betul lah kau betina! Ape entah masalah kau ni. Sawan babi ke apa. Malas lah aku nak layan benda-benda mengarut macam ni buang masa aku je, dah tak ada kerja lain agak nye nak jaga tepi kain orang. Pergi shave bulu-bulu kau tu lagi baik dari buat cerita bukan-bukan =,=" Maybe today wasn't a good day for me, sejak dari mula on the phone tadi ada je yang tak kena, cakap je setengah jam then mesti nak gaduh, lepas tu okay, lepas tu gaduh lagi, entah apa entah, penat kot *pppffhhhtttt* Tidur lagi bagus. Goodnight.
pompuan camt ada sorang duk kat page aku... desperate gilak ok
ReplyDeletegood then. stop fighting
ReplyDeletei was tired too
tired of looking sad freind
kidding dear
ahaha, aliph, thnks for the cough*thing*cough that night :)