Saturday, January 23, 2010


Thanks for doing this. Unexpected and somehow it's a heart catching. I'm glad for what we had before and what we have now. Oxygen represents you enough :)

P/s : Sorry I buli you hari ni, hihi. Thanks for the CD. Miss you already =)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Haih, disappointed. Still cannot beat her *sigh. But, alhamdulillah :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Phase

Dear Mr. Photo,

Thank you for everything. Your photo keeps me alive & reminds me to be strong even when I know everything starts to fall apart. Thanks for always be there for me. Maybe one day we will have one more shot :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deeper Conversation

As usual, holiday is all about sea, jagung bakar, hangouts, best friends, catching-up stories & FOOD. Thanks to them, who had willing to waste their not-so-precious time listening to my self-issues and related stuffs regarding those annoyed relationship thingy. I know it might sounds a bit cliche' to talked about those cheesy weesy so-called relationship/love/feelings issues, but sometimes people [me =.="] tend to be very fragile when it comes to this. Anyway, enough about this already, feels like throwing up if I keep on typing about it. So yeah, as usual also, tons and tons of pictures were captured and it's time to be published :)

Motivators :)
Testing my photography skills ha-ha
Messy as always
Again, messy
She's adorable isn't she? :)
Ku Izzaira bt Ku Ishak, ily
Having fun and talking is no big deals, but as we ran down into a deeper thing, more and more it made us realized that the truth is what people portray through their expression isn't what always they have inside. Talking to them is such a relieved, it's like, letting a huge monster that trapped inside your chest out. A bit drama, yeah classic, I know. Now everything seemed to be clearer I supposed. Thanks to these guys who had made my evening full of brain-storming activity due to those self-issues that I had ; Rosdi & Jaja. I swear both of these name will always be in my thoughts until I've reach my senile phase :)

You jump I jump ;)
Rosdi Izwan :)

Kuala Perlis, lmao
P for Pros te-hee :D
Ha-ha, gedik =.="
P/s : Happy New Year to all you people out there and may this year brings you more joy and happiness :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dropping It Off

Mid-term is over, finally *relief* Lots of things going on lately, missing my best friends like hell much. Self-issues and Relationship is bullshit *puke! puke!* So yeah, that's basically what happened these days. Enough about it. Already missing those HT5-maniacs like LOADS. Nanti balik kita baling ice lagi naaa :D

Edward's Syndrome kot :D
Ohh Mutiara :)
Aida Hernita bt. Mohd Zulkifli yang ajar :D
Mutiara lagi, dia ni memang :P
Mufyyyy auww :)
Milo mangkuk & psycho friends ;)